It’s not easy for any mom to admit that being with your kids is stressful. Whether you work from home or outside of the home, single mom burnout is a thing and it happens quite frequently.
As moms, we’re naturally wired to nurture and put everyone else before our own well-being. Some single moms have mastered the skill of balancing their lives in a way that avoids single mom burnout, but most of us haven’t quite mastered that skill.
Today I’m sharing 5 ways to avoid single mom burnout to help you feel better and accomplish the day to day tasks without falling over.
Avoid Negativity
Whether it’s your friends, family or social media negativity occurs in all areas of life. Be sure to avoid interacting with negativity. If the news is too negative for you, do not start your day off watching it. If your social media feed is full of negativity, start unfollowing or removing people from your circle of online friends. If you have a family member or friend who is constantly rambling about something negative, distance yourself from them so that you can keep your peace intact.
Keep a Journal
Journal writing can be a very therapeutic tool. Every night before you lay down to sleep, write down tidbits of your day. If you need to get out frustrating moments, then write some of those down and then redirect to some positives that happened that day. Always end your day with a journal entry that leaves you with a positive thought before bed. When you opt to keep a journal you’re better able to remove thoughts from your head and feel peaceful as you drift off to sleep.
Give Yourself Permission
Now, normally this would be a tip to say no to things that you don’t feel like doing or aren’t able to fit into your schedule. While that’s truly part of this way to avoid single mom burnout, it’s not the complete store of what I’m trying to say. Give yourself permission to pause, to take a nap, to get alone time or to go out with friends. It’s important that you keep your personal sanity in check when raising children on our own by giving yourself permission to say no and to take time alone when necessary.
Listen to Music
While I can’t really tell you what genre of music to listen to, as different genres have different feels for each of us, what I can say is that listening to music will help you to avoid single mom burnout. Having music on in the background as you do your household chores, sleep or even take a bath will help calm your mind. Music has been done to do wonders for our brains and helps soothe us when we’re having a stressful day. Create your own avoid mom burnout music playlist on Spotify or YouTube to listen to when you start feeling overwhelmed.
You’re Not Failing
Lastly, most single moms start to feel burned out because they’re doing more than they should. Just because you’re a single mom doesn’t mean you have to get it all done in one day or do it all on a regular basis. Cut yourself some slack and remember that you’re not failing this single mom gig, you’re doing the best you can do and your children are happier. If you’ve been able to find a way to satisfy your child’s main needs and you have love in the home, then you’re not a failure. Being a single mom is hard, cut yourself some slack.
There you have it 5 ways to avoid single mom burnout. It’s not easy being a single adult household caregiver to children. They will run you rapid and exhausted, without realizing it. Children seem to have an extra bottle of energy deep within their bodies that doesn’t allow them to slow down like us adults, this is why you need to use my 5 ways to avoid single mom burnout. You need to do these things to keep yourself healthy and happy.
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